Monthly Archives: March 2022

Metis Agreement Usask

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The agreement between the MN-S and the university was signed Saturday at the Métis Nation Legislative Assembly in Saskatoon and will ensure that the university relies on the MN-S citizenship registry to assess the relevance of Métis opportunities at post-secondary settlement. This is the first type of agreement of its kind between a Canadian university and a Metis government. Speaking to MBC News, Stoicheff says the agreement is based on the understanding that self-identification “is not enough today” to determine and validate the identity of Saskatchewan`s Métis citizens. While this agreement guarantees the ancestry of Saskatchewan`s Métis citizens who attend university, President Stoicheff says the university will participate in a national conversation to determine the Métis citizenship of Métis people who attend school and who may not be from the province. The agreement comes after the organization called on universities, industry and the government to recognize the MN-S citizenship process, requirements and government institutions, according to the press release. Métis Nation-Saskatchewan and the University of Saskatchewan have signed a historic agreement on Métis citizenship and identity. Under the agreement, mn-S will decide whether individuals who meet the criteria for Métis citizenship when applying for university based on Métis identity. This agreement responds to MN-S calls for academic institutions, industry and governments to recognize the MN-S citizenship process, requirements and governance institutions. The university president added that the agreement helps bring “clarity” to the United States. The agreement was good news for Métis members of the USask community in the face of ongoing concerns about the misappropriation of Métis identity in science. The MOU follows the review of Indigenous identity claims by Carrie Bourassa, a senior U.S. professor and Indigenous health researcher.

A CBC investigation found no evidence that Bourassa was in fact Métis. (PHOTO: University of Saskatchewan President Peter Stoicheff and MN-S President Glen McCallum sign a Métis Identity Agreement. Photo by Joel Willick) The agreement between the university and the MN-S comes weeks after Carrie Bourassa, a researcher at the University of Saskatchewan, was taken off from the university after her claims to Métis heritage were criticized. SASKATOON, SK, Nov. 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Today, the Government of the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan (MN-S) and the University of Saskatchewan (USask) signed a Métis Citizenship and Identity Agreement. The agreement will ensure that the university relies on the objectively verifiable MN-S citizenship registry to assess eligibility for Métis opportunities at the university. It is a precedent-setting partnership between a Canadian university and a Metis government. In addition to pushing for an increase in enrolment, the MN-S also called on post-secondary institutions, corporations and governments to use the MN-S registry to determine Métis ancestry. The agreement with the university is the first agreement of its kind to be signed.

Historic agreement signed at NML in Saskatoon “This is an important moment for The Métis of Saskatchewan,” said Glen McCallum, President of the MN-S. “This agreement recognizes that only the Métis government of Saskatchewan and its citizens can define who we are through our laws and methods. This allows us to work well with the university. The Métis Nation – Saskatchewan (MN-S) and the University of Saskatchewan have signed an agreement to ensure that the right Métis citizenship and identity criteria are met when people apply for employment in the United States. The Métis Nation of Saskatchewan (MN-S) and the University of Saskatchewan (USask) signed an agreement on Métis citizenship and identity on Saturday. The university agreed to rely on the MN-S citizenship registry to assess eligibility for Métis opportunities at the university. The President of the United States believes that this agreement is consistent with the University`s commitments to reconciliation and indigenization. . Asked about the possible exclusion of Métis from Saskatchewan who are not registered under the MN-S, Glen McCallum says they have the opportunity to register. .

About the Métis Nation – Saskatchewan Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) is the recognized government of the Métis Nation in Saskatchewan. MN-S is based on Métis identity, culture, values and language. MN-S is committed to Métis rights and recognition. MN-S represents the political, socio-economic, cultural and educational interests of more than 80,000 Métis in the province through a system of elected representation at the local, regional and provincial levels. . After initially defending the professor, USask put Bourassa on indefinite leave without pay from his duties at the College of Medicine in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology in November. The university conducted its own investigation, while Bourassa remained on leave. In his speech, Mr. McCallum talked about many things and tried to convey the importance of a strong Metis government in this country.

“The Métis Nation and Saskatchewan Citizenship Registry is a unique, effective and secure way to assess who the Métis are in Saskatchewan,” said McCallum. “The University of Saskatchewan`s understanding shows the hard work we have done together, and we expect others to follow suit. The Métis Nation-Saskatchewan represents saskatchewan`s Métis community as the government. It is up to us, as a Metis community, to recognize our own people, and we have both the authority and the means to do so. “The university cannot play the role of accepting self-identification, but rather appreciates the MN-S`s exclusive ability to be the government to validate citizenship,” Stoicheff said. Kelly`s contract with UCLA now runs through the 2025 season. “The registry is so important,” Glen McCallum told MBC News at the MN-S meeting in Saskatoon. “(This is) a historic moment with the Métis Nation and the University of Saskatchewan to be able to sit down at a table and sign a document that really deals specifically with citizenship issues.” The meeting saw the historic signing, the swearing-in of the new Youth President of the Métis Provincial Youth Council, Autumn LaRose-Smith, and President McCallum`s State of the Union address. .

Meaning of Mutual Agreement in a Relationship

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In other words, if two physical or commercial companies enter into a mutual commercial agreement in which one party agrees to perform certain obligations in exchange for a particular consideration (and vice versa for the other party), the obligations of the parties become legally binding and enforceable. There are countless ways for the parties to reach mutual agreement. In contract law, a mutual agreement refers to an agreement or agreement between two or more parties to be legally obliged to do or not to do something. So if you`re wondering what the meaning of mutual consent is, you can think of the term as another way of saying mutual agreement. Mutual consent is a protection of sexual integrity imposed by the State under the threat of criminal sanctions. People constantly make mutual agreements on a personal level. Maybe Joe and Mary want to travel to a distant city. Mary says that if Joe pays for gas, she will drive. This is acceptable to Joe, so they came to a mutual agreement. Agreeing on something means agreeing on something together or when two or more people make a deal that is satisfactory for both. On the other hand, in terms of the business transaction, both parties involved are governed by a contractual relationship, but what happens is that they both benefit from it. This type of relationship can easily relate to any type of business purchase. Examples of this type of are the employment of staff and so on.

It is also called the “two-for-one” relationship. Below you pay 1 fee to receive an item from a supplier. Nevertheless, you also go elsewhere, because the enterprise provider gets something different from this offer. Termination of an agency relationship should be as clear as possible in order to avoid misunderstandings or mistakes. You may want to hire an employment lawyer if you need help with agency relationship issues. Your lawyer can help you file a lawsuit in court if necessary and can provide you with the legal advice you need to respond to their request. Only support arguments that you agree with, at least in part. Don`t “drag yourself online” just to keep the peace or for convenience. Stick to your “logical weapons.” In the law, the concept is somewhat vague. A mutual agreement forms the basis of a contract, and contracts can be breached and enforced – even sometimes if they are sealed by a simple handshake. There is, of course, a process for all of this. Courts look for different circumstances and certain steps that signify mutual agreement, including: primary agency relationships (or simply “agency relationships”) are usually created for very specific purposes.

That is, the agent does not have unlimited powers to perform an action on behalf of the agent. The scope of an agent`s powers is often limited by the client, as stated in a written contract. Those who can form mutually beneficial alliances and cooperations will win in the market and beat their competitors. When it comes to an agreement, both parties are jointly associated with a contractual romance. Several factors will be taken into account once an agreement has been reached. The most common example may be a written agreement signed by everyone involved in the agreement. Another variable that can be taken into account is a specific date, which is certainly set for the decision on the contract. Once the agreement is established, it becomes a legally binding contract. In addition to putting your signature on an agreement, there are other things you can do during the transaction. Some notable examples are: buying the property, hiring employees and so on.

The terms of a mutual agreement in a relationship are unique to the parties involved. What is a mutual benefit relationship? It simply means that everyone involved is satisfied with the agreement or contract. To define a mutually useful relationship between the two parties, I would like to return to our example of marriage and divorce. Reading this article, you are aware of the difference between two types of marriage: one is legally binding and the other is certainly not. However, you may have an idea of both types of organizational transactions: one involves a contract and the other does not. Mutual agreement provides a basis for the performance of contracts, as both parties believe that they are entering into an exchange in good faith. Both can therefore take the case to a civil court for enforcement if the other party does not act as agreed. Markets are a paradigmatic example of a self-generating or spontaneous social order (Hayek 1973, p.

37), i.e. social arrangements in which the activities of the participants are spontaneously coordinated, through mutual adaptation or adaptation of individual decision-makers, without conscious central direction. In this sense, the order of the market “as a specific type of social structure” (Swedberg 1994, p. 255) can be compared to the conscious and centralized coordination of activities that take place within business units or organizations, that is, within social units such as “the family, the farm, the farm, the enterprise, the enterprise and the various associations, and all public institutions, including governments” (Hayek 1973, p. 46). It is one of the central themes in the work of F. A. Hayek that the distinction between “the two types of order” (Hayek 1973, p. 1).

46), Market and Organisation (Vanberg 1982) is of fundamental importance for an adequate understanding of the nature of social phenomena in general and the order of the market in particular. The inability to properly appreciate the nature of the market as a spontaneous social order is, according to Hayek, a great source of confusion in discussions of economic theory, and economic policy in particular, a confusion he attributes in part to the ambiguity involved when the term “economy” is used to describe the order of the market. Since the term is derived from the Greek word oikonomia, which means household economy, an “economy in the narrow sense of the word is an organization or arrangement in which someone intentionally allocates resources to a unified order of goals” (Hayek 1978, p. 178). To avoid misleading connotations, Hayek proposes to speak of the market order not as an economy, but as kataallaxia – derived from the Greek word katallatein, which means “to exchange” (Hayek 1976, p. 108). Example 1: Mutual agreement on an employment contract In business relationships, some companies work together to achieve their mission and purpose, while others may be competitive. Mutual agreement between the franchisor and the franchisee to terminate, terminate or not renew the franchise agreement; [PL 2013, c. When we say in contract law that the parties have reached an “amicable agreement” or that there is “mutual consent”, we are referring to the fact that the parties have entered into an agreement, which may be the basis of an oral or written contract.

Crowdsourcing and outbound sharing involve a direct relationship with citizens. In crowdsourcing, citizens support the government. In outbound sharing, there are two types of relationships: citizens who ask for government support and citizens and the government who agree on each other. In addition, there are certain features of social networks related to outbound sharing in the provision of public services: a mutual agreement in modern law often involves monetary compensation. Joe did offer money when he agreed to pay for the gas, but he could have agreed instead to cancel Mary`s kitchen in exchange for $500. In both cases, the paint and gas money are valuable, as is Mary, who gets behind the wheel or agrees to pay the $500. A mutual agreement on the employment contract exists when a company (the employer) enters into an agreement with a person (the employee) for the person to perform a certain work for a certain salary or remuneration. .

Massachusetts Law about Child Custody in Unmarried Parents

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does not allow you to participate in important decisions about your child`s life. For the sake of their child, unmarried parents need to figure out how to raise their child together – while they are separated. For fathers, this means being responsible and working with the mothers of their children. For mothers, this means supporting their children`s relationships with their fathers. Unmarried parents can receive a parenting plan, which is a legally binding agreement that sets out decisions regarding time spent with the child and decision-making power. The only way for your child to have a legal father is to establish paternity. Most often, this is done by asking both parents to sign a form at the hospital or city or city clerk`s office where the child was born. You can also ask the court to order a GENETIC marker test and name the legal father. Married fathers usually have an easier time in court determining whether they are related to their children, and there is a very important reason why this is usually the case: married parents almost always live together during the marital relationship. While one parent may be the breadwinner and the other parent may be the staying parent at home (who is usually the mother), the law considers that parents are equal. When unmarried parents have children (whether they live together or not), parenting and child support can raise important and complicated issues. An experienced family mediator can help you make decisions about the practical considerations of raising children out of wedlock without resorting to litigation.

For more information on childcare and parenting time, contact our office today. We offer a free private consultation to discuss the facts of your case and how we can help you. While we cannot provide legal advice at these initial meetings before a client hires our firm, we can discuss your options and the procedures involved. While we will not discuss how to raise a child, it is an accepted fact that children must have good relationships with their parents. If a child has unmarried parents, whether because of a divorce or because they have never been married, the parents have a responsibility to maintain safe and healthy communication with each other. Here are some tips to help children in this position: There are “rules” or general thoughts that should be implemented by all fathers who separate from their child`s mother. This concept shocks most fathers because a father may be charged with paying “arrears” of child support for the father Custody and parenting plans for unmarried parents are an important issue. Unmarried parents (except in extreme situations) have the right to maintain a relationship with their children during parental leave. Although it is assumed that the mother has custody (decision-making power) if the child is not the result of a marriage, the parties themselves may agree on joint custody. The parties may also agree on a parenting arrangement that best suits their needs and values, as well as the needs and values of the child. This conversation between unmarried couples, moderated by a qualified family mediator, is a big step towards maintaining goodwill and open communication between parents, which will greatly benefit their children. For more information about parenting plans, see the model education plans published by the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court Department.

Child support is usually paid by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent for child support. To get a court order for child support, you can ask Dor to file a complaint on your behalf, or you can file a complaint to provide assistance to the court yourself (or with the help of a lawyer). The courts may decide that both parents have custody of a child called shared or shared custody. In a joint custody agreement, both parents have equal authority over a child`s medical care, schooling, and other important decisions. Parents usually have shared custody, with the child spending time with each parent. As a general rule, the custodial parent receives payments from the custodial parent. However, a 50/50 child support notice for custody can still be issued. The amount of the obligation is determined by government directives. The court determines the amount of child support to be paid based on a number of factors, including: When conducting legal research, you want to make sure you understand all the details of the relevant laws.

You can get help with this task by reading a version of the content written in basic terms without legal language. The following table provides a basic explanation of the protection of unmarried parents in Massachusetts. Physical custody is the one with whom the child lives most of the time. Parents who agree on a visitation or parenting plan can ask the court to enter into their agreements as orders. If the parents cannot agree, the court can make its own orders. The objective of the court is to reach an agreement that is in the best interests of the child. This may be different from what one or both parents want. When a child is born to unmarried parents, the mother has full custody by default. However, once paternity is established, either voluntarily or through genetic testing, both parents have the same custody.

Then, when a judge determines custody of the children, the same applies to outgoing or unmarried parents. The judge will consider many factors in determining what is in the best interests of the child, including who has taken care of the child`s needs up to that time, the child`s relationship with both parents, the household of each parent, a parent`s history of physical abuse, a parent`s history of alcohol or drug abuse, and much more. Children of unmarried parents are by default in the custody of their mother. Parents can agree to share custody or arrange the visit through collaborative negotiation or mediation, if applicable. If they can`t agree, the court can create a parenting plan with a custody and parenting time complaint. Both parents should inform each other in advance of their plans, especially if they affect the visiting plans. For unmarried parents, the circumstances of a relationship can vary greatly. Some unmarried parents are part of a devoted couple who live together, while others spend time together but live in separate homes. Some couples separate and end up with other partners. Regardless of the situation, a child benefits most from having two dedicated parents involved in their lives. Such agreements may be entered into voluntarily and informally, voluntarily, and then issued in the form of a court order or decided by a judge on the basis of an assessment of the best interests of the child.

When it comes to a legal issue, there are many factors taken into account by the court: This page is designed to help Massachusetts fathers navigate the legal process of child custody and visitation to succeed in their case. Family court can be a scary place for fathers throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but with a few simple mantras to keep in mind, you`ll feel much more comfortable in the courtroom. The guide teaches you these simple mantras that you need to keep in mind when you are in court and preparing for court. Often, months of planning should be initiated before a case is filed. If you have a court order for custody, the order indicates who has legal and physical custody. Plan a way to share information and make decisions together. Prepare lists of things to discuss in advance. Visiting or parenting time, as it is commonly known in Massachusetts, is different from legal custody, which includes the right to make important decisions about a child`s education, religion, and well-being. Instead, the visit gives the opportunity to a parent who does not live with a child to spend time together.

In some cases, the parents share joint custody, but one of the parents is called the primary physical custody of the child, with the other parent having a fixed parental time to spend with the child. Parents who wish to apply for custody should work with an experienced family law lawyer. Never insult the other parent. Don`t forget to talk about your child`s mother or father! Children are entitled to all three. While this may seem unfair, you can have one without the other. For example, a father must pay family allowances even if the mother does not allow him to spend time with his child. Or a mother should let the father spend time with his child, even if he does not pay family allowances. Unfortunately, unmarried fathers have a harder time building their relationship with a child than married fathers. However, there are many ways to create a positive and established bond between a single father and a child.

This guide teaches the single father how to prepare for court and an impending custody situation. Often, it would be helpful for unmarried fathers to read this guide before having a child with a woman, even if the relationship between father and mother is strong. You or your spouse may need to apply to the court for a judicial or physical custody order. In Massachusetts, courts use several criteria to determine custody of children born out of wedlock. Custody may be granted jointly to the mother, father or both parents. To award custody, the courts consider: In Massachusetts, the rights of fathers depend largely on whether you are married and have a child in wedlock or have an illegitimate child. We discuss the rights of married and unmarried fathers and give advice to all fathers for each parental case. As a rule, the maintenance of children is governed by a court order. Any parent can apply for an order – directly from the court or with the help of the Child Support Agency (in Massachusetts, the Treasury Department). .

Makeup Wedding Contract Templates

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Due to the growing demand for wedding hair and makeup services, beauty professionals usually have a tight schedule. They work day and night to meet their business needs. Therefore, writing hair and makeup contracts with standard document tools such as MS Word or Google Docs may not be enough to meet the needs of their business. As a result, many are moving to document management software, which consists of pre-formatted and legally reviewed contract templates that speed up the document creation process. However, beauty experts often use makeup-related contracts interchangeably. These are: Therefore, a contract helps to satisfy the interests of both parties. Not only does it promote the growth of a business, but it also acts as a guide to working with the client. Each provider associated with marriage needs specific contracts to protect themselves legally. For example, a makeup artist needs a bridal makeup contract, a videographer needs a wedding videographer contract, and a DJ needs a wedding DJ contract. Payment: You need to know this section. Mention the total amount to be paid after completing the bride`s makeup and hair service.

Also make a list of acceptable payment methods that are right for you, such as credit cards. B, net banking and debit cards. Be sure to mention the distribution of your services. Include various expenses such as travel expenses, consulting fees, etc. and any other additional costs that may be incurred. Bridal makeup contracts are used by makeup artists to protect themselves from litigation and liability issues of their clients. The transfer of intellectual property becomes easy and highly reliable thanks to our carefully designed intellectual property assignment agreement templates. Check it out to learn more.

Personal Information: This section lists the complete information of both parties, such as their full name and mailing address. It also defines the type of event (for example. B, the day of the wedding or reception), the date and day of the event. It is also advisable to get your client to fill out a form in which they define their skin complications, allergies and skin conditions, and also provide details of bridal party members (such as bridesmaids or children or other family members) who need the makeup artist`s services. Timing: It`s important to be clear about your appointment schedule to make sure you manage your time effectively. Also consider maintaining a cancellation policy and including a notice period to avoid sudden cancellations. This helps the client find a replacement, and makeup artists can reduce pre-existing obligations in unavoidable circumstances and prevent bitter situations with clients. Let`s look at some of the most important provisions of a bridal makeup contract: A contract helps bridge the gap between the client`s expectations and the actual service offerings by clearly defining the requirements for wedding makeup. While some of these contracts often define specific services such as hair styling or simply bride makeup, the bridal hair and makeup contract is the most comprehensive as it defines all the services provided by the artist.

Designing an event contract is now easier than ever! Here`s our custom template to help you with every step of the way in documenting an event planning. Take a look at our document now! In summary, out-of-the-box contract templates and useful software can prove to be a companion for a business. Get started now! Your bridal makeup contract must be ready as soon as possible. Here is our maintenance contract to help you simplify the documentation process. Customize the document according to the needs of your business with our templates. Check it out now! A hairdresser and makeup artist may encounter stressful situations such as short-term cancellations, late payments, and legal issues on the wedding day if they don`t have a legally enforceable bridal makeup contract. Stay with us while we go through the important details that you should consider in your bridal makeup contract. Services: This is an important part of the contract.

Here you need to list your achievements. Typically, it includes services such as makeup and hair model testing, requirements for makeup products, makeup package for the bride and groom, and makeup application style. Let`s look at some of the main benefits of using legally audited contract templates offered by document management software: A signed contract helps to legally implement business policies between the two parties involved. It establishes the business relationship between the beauty expert and his client and lists the details of the wedding date, the total number of people who need beauty services, the time of the appointment, the place of the wedding and the extent of the services. Optimize your document management needs with Revv`s advanced document generator. Take advantage of built-in features like Stripe Payments to collect online payments and electronic signatures for a hassle-free acceptance process. Do you want to start a limited liability company business? Check out our LLP agreement to understand the terms of the partnership, which is a ready-to-use sample series of term sheets equipped with professionally updated accuracy to perfectly meet your requirements. Do you have a project idea? Send them through professional suggestions and invite them to collaborate.

Don`t worry about structuring, download our project proposal format. It`s for you! Consult our car rental service to make an agreement with the person you are renting your vehicle. Here are the terms and conditions you need to know that your logo design services need to be professionally designed and highlighted so that customers can see their benefits and recognize your skillful work. .

Loi Rental Agreement

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In a letter of intent to lease a commercial space, some of the most important terms that are discussed and/or negotiated are the rental price, lease term or lease term, annual increases, tenant improvement allowance, free rent, assignability, and guarantees. FREE EVALUATION Letters of intent can be submitted informally by email or on official letterhead. Some landlords require the landlord and tenant to sign the letter of intent once it has been mutually agreed before moving on to a formal agreement or contract, although the letter of intent is not binding, such as a good faith confirmation that both parties have agreed to proceed. A residential lease is a legal document that sets out in writing the rental terms negotiated between a landlord and a tenant. These terms include the term of the lease, which is typically one (1) year, although short-term contracts and monthly leases are also common. Residential tenants are required to make payments on the due date specified in the rental agreement in order to avoid late fees or being faced with possible eviction. If the tenant does not comply with his rental requirements, the landlord can terminate his rental and initiate eviction proceedings in court. Note that state laws should always be referenced before attempting to terminate a lease prematurely. How the lease ends should be defined before the time comes. Usually, this is covered in the lease, so look for this information and then focus your attention on the article titled “XIV. Lease termination”, in which the tenant`s ability to terminate earlier and the impact of this measure on their status should be discussed. One of the checkboxes must be checked to reflect the position of the agreement in question on this issue.

If there are acceptable circumstances in which the tenant in this lease can terminate his obligations to its contents, check the first box and specify the number of “days” that the tenant must give to the landlord beforehand. Note that this selection is often used for a monthly rental. If the tenant is not allowed to terminate the lease and must respect it until its end, of course, check the second box (according to the sentence “The tenant should not have … It should be noted that this selection is usually associated with a fixed-term lease, but does not prevail over laws that would say otherwise. (i.e. the tenant is in physical danger due to the rental of the property). A commercial lease is a lease between a landlord and a tenant who wishes to lease commercial space for retail, industrial or office purposes. The lease consists of conditions that determine the responsibilities of each party during the term of the contract. Landlords often adjust rental space to the tenant`s business needs. As a result, the owner usually needs a longer contract term to ensure a return on their investment (3-5 years is the norm). A letter of intent describes a party`s intention to enter into an agreement with another party. In general, a letter of intent is not legally enforceable.

However, landlords and tenants have found a way to “try” their relationship to see if it`s right. They use letters of intent to make sure they agree on the basic terms of the lease before spending time and thousands of dollars negotiating a formal lease. Because a letter of intent is not legally binding, a tenant can move to another rental space if they are unable to negotiate an acceptable lease – just like a music student can switch to another instrument. The dollar value, which must be presented to the landlord as security against property damage to the rental property during the term of the contract, should appear on the empty line in “VIII. Deposit”. After writing the security amount, enter it as a number in parentheses. Commercial Lease – A legally binding lease between a landlord and a commercial tenant. A letter of intent means a letter of intent.

For commercial real estate, a letter of intent is a preliminary agreement negotiated between a tenant and a landlord or a buyer and seller. The letter of intent or letter of intent indicates the primary economic viability and discusses the proposed conditions. They are intended to describe the most important points that both parties can assess in order to decide if they want to move to a formal contract. The binding effect of this letter is set out in section “XIII. Binding effect. If this letter requires the landlord and tenant to understand that this letter is considered enforceable in its current form and that its obligations cannot be challenged by either party in court, check the box labeled “Enforceable” in this section. If this is not the case and the terms defined in this letter are not necessarily enforceable without the execution of a future signed agreement, check the box “Non-binding” in “XIII. Binding effect”. A letter of intent for residential leases is used to show a potential tenant`s desire to sign a binding lease. A letter of intent is usually written by a landlord and assigned to rental applicants who show interest in renting the residential property. The letter informs the applicant of the important rental conditions and indicates a date by which the conditions must be accepted. If the applicant deems the rental conditions appropriate, he can sign the document and return it to the owner, thus confirming his intention to sign a formal agreement. A letter of intent – or letter of intent – is a written, non-binding document between two parties that serves as the basis for a proposed future action or agreement.

In some contracts, a letter of intent may be referred to as a letter of understanding, a memorandum of understanding or a memorandum of understanding. XIII. Binding effect: This declaration of intent is considered non-binding. Accordingly, the parties acknowledge that this letter of intent is not enforceable by either party. The terms and conditions set out herein are solely for the purpose of reaching a subsequent agreement in the future to which the Renter and the Lessor are not bound. The next section below, “XV. Applicable law”, aims to obtain a declaration of jurisdiction in which disagreements regarding these documents are examined (by the courts). Report this content in the blank line that appears in this box. In retail spaces, tenants are more likely to pay for improvements to rental space.

No matter who pays for the improvements, this should be stated in a sentence of the letter of intent. A letter of intent serves as an intermediate step between the initial discussions with the owner and the creation of a legally binding purchase agreement, which can easily be 20 pages or more. The LOI provides a quick and easy way to remember the basic terms of the proposed transaction before negotiating other terms and terminating and paying a real estate attorney to draft or revise the purchase agreement or lease. .

Llc Operating Agreement Template California

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In this guide, we provide you with free tools and templates to help you close your California LLC operating contract. Compensation – For individual member agreements, the section states that all shares of the company exempt the single person and all employees or family members from all shares of the company. This is reasonable and if the member has committed extreme negligence, he can still be held responsible. Single-person LLC Operating Agreement – To determine the operating procedures of an LLC that has only one (1) owner. Whether you form an LLC with one or more members, your operating agreement should cover all of the following topics. Some of these provisions will not have much impact on the actual operation of a one-person LLC, but remain important for reasons of legal formality. Distributions – Money sent to LLC members generated by the company`s revenues. This is usually calculated as a profit or an amount after most of the operating costs of the business have been paid. We`ve created an always-free, attorney-reviewed tool that allows you to create a custom operating agreement for each type of LLC you have, with features such as: A Manager-managed California LLC is where only one or a few named individuals (called “managers”) have the ability to bind the LLC into contracts and agreements. California LLC managers also manage the business and day-to-day operations, while other members cannot bind the LLC in contracts and agreements and do not participate in the conduct of business and day-to-day operations.

Instead, they assume a passive/investor role. However, members accept the manager of their position and are also required to vote on certain points, such as adding or removing an LLC member. If you use the manager-managed operating agreement template below, voting rights are also proportional to llc`s ownership percentages. Then, the members agree (by a majority of votes) to elect a manager. The manager then has his or her own authority to make most decisions on behalf of the LLC (without the need for a vote by members). However, some things, such as adding a new LLC member, require a voice from the existing members (and the manager has no say). A capital contribution is simply a single member who deposits money into the LLC bank account. The most common way to do this is for each person to write a personal check to the LLC. This also creates a nice record of the transaction. If you are using a business agreement template provided below, you want the amount of the initial capital contribution to be proportional to the percentages of ownership.

Step 10 – Signature(s) – Enter the date of execution of the agreement between the members in dd/mm/yy format. According to the following operating agreement models, this is called a “capital distribution” when members withdraw money from california LLC`s bank account and distribute profits to each other. Membership voting rules are set out in your California LLC`s operating agreement. If you use the template for a member-managed LLC below, voting rights are proportional to LLC`s ownership percentages. Thus, if the operating agreement provides for a “majority vote”, the members (or members) who have 50% or more are the “majority” and can vote on the decisions. Miscellaneous – The last paragraph states that the entire Agreement is not bound by any of the terms that may not apply in certain jurisdictions, and that if there are other terms that should be included in the Agreement, they will be concluded in this area. Yes. The California Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act defines a corporate agreement as any agreement that is “oral, on file, implied, or in a combination of all members of the limited liability company.” Do you have a texas Manager managed LLC operating agreement template that you can send me? While it`s a good idea to create a working agreement before submitting your organizational items, the state doesn`t stop LLCs from waiting for the incorporation process to complete. It should be noted that some banks require you to file an operating agreement to open a business bank account. Probably not? We cannot guarantee the sea of free LLC operating agreement templates available online.

What we do know is that your LLC operating agreement is crucial to your business, so yours should at least be adjusted somewhat. When you hire us to train your California LLC, we will provide you with a customizable operating agreement template that can help you get started. This corporate agreement template is intended for use by a single-member limited liability company when the sole member has full control of all matters of the LLC and no other person has an interest in the company. California LLC`s operating agreement is a legal document that is not only used to start a member-run business, but also helps protect members` personal assets (i.e. homes, cars, and even family savings). Assuming the existence of a duly constituted entity, the personal property of members cannot legally be considered part of the associated legal proceedings in the event of the imposition of some form of litigation or default of the company. An operating agreement is exactly what it looks like: an agreement on how your LLC will work. .

License Agreement Saas

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The first step to taking the reins of their stack is to understand SaaS licensing agreements. Next, implement some industry best practices to streamline your SaaS contract management and take it to the next level. What is the difference between a perpetual license and a SaaS license? Eternal means infinite. Your organization may have a perpetual license for certain software, such as Microsoft products. Microsoft has a perpetual licensing business model and offers the option to pay a flat rate for perpetual use of software such as Microsoft Office. While SaaS agreements vary by company and product offering, the following are essential to any SaaS agreement: In many cases, you`ll see a limited-use software license agreement (LULA) for cloud-hosted SaaS applications. A LULA typically includes all the terms of the license agreement as well as the service level agreement (SLA). I am an attorney in Denver, Colorado with 13 years of experience working with individuals and businesses of all sizes. My main areas of activity are general corporate/business law, real estate, commercial transactions and agreements as well as mergers and acquisitions. I strive to provide exceptional representation at a reasonable price. I`ll be honest, as a SaaS buyer, if I came to the Indemnification, Liability, and Arbitration sections of a new software contract, my eyes would be blurred and I would make a “for legal review” note. These articles are strictly legal and refer to the extent to which the licensor and licensee are liable when things go south.

So while I was trying to make sure I had a general understanding of these sections, I always made sure that our legal team was reviewed. A SaaS license agreement could be called a hybrid between a software license agreement and a “software as a service” or SaaS agreement. A SaaS software agreement is a service agreement and does not require a software license. The confusion lies in the use of the word “software”. By asking what the customer plans to do with the software, you can clear up the confusion. If the customer plans to install a copy of the software on their computer, download a version, etc., the customer needs a software license. Note that before diving into the terms themselves, the document contains some definitions designed to help the reader better understand the terms. Most SaaS agreements include a section like this. Asana, for example, defines concretely: you need to make sure that the language you include in relation to the user agreements is very clear. A judge may conclude that an agreement is not clear enough to stand if you use too much legal or technical jargon for a user to reasonably understand. Some people call this a license for the service, but it almost alludes to some sort of copyright license. As an owner, you don`t even want to imply that your customer has intellectual property rights in your protected software.

A SaaS agreement, on the other hand, gives customers access to software and other technologies through the cloud, but no physical goods are exchanged. A SaaS agreement allows end users to access the relevant products online. As a result, the structure of a SaaS agreement focuses on authorizing the use of a product rather than authorizing the use of the product as a service. The main difference between an EULA and a SaaS contract is that the main components of the software are located at the provider and not on-site at the end user`s premises and are accessible online, for example via a web browser, rather than being downloaded locally. Of course, it may not be as black and white as this one and sometimes you may need to use both a SaaS agreement and an EULA where end users can download a mobile app version of any software, for example. A useful feature on Mailchimp`s Terms of Service page is a sidebar that allows readers to navigate through the six main sections of the agreement. A SaaS agreement may contain extended service elements or only give end users access to products that can also be licensed in the traditional way. In the SaaS model, no additional software or hardware is required because the data is downloaded to a system and then stored in the cloud.

Another name for license use restrictions is the licensee`s obligation. This clause of a SaaS license specifies how the customer can use the software. For example, it may be said that Licensee may not use the Software for any reason outside of the defined business purposes. A SaaS contract is a legal contract between the developers of an application and its users. It defines the conditions that describe how the SaaS application is accessed and used. As it seems, the term and termination define the duration of the agreement and how you and the provider should treat the termination. For example, the duration of the contract may be something like “one year of automatic renewals” if you do not notify the provider of the termination within a certain period of time before renewal. You can also talk about the protection of the Licensee`s data. Licensor Services are a SaaS license clause that specifies what the SaaS provider (Licensor) provides to Customer (for example. B, data security) and what it does to protect Customer Data. That`s where your IT department and SaaS security checklist come in.

If you`ve ever conducted a questionnaire about vendor safety and risk, there shouldn`t be any surprises here. With a SaaS agreement, it is important to consider an SLA or service level agreement. These usually deal with the approved time to fix bugs or fix performance issues such as speed or latency. But these are not the only options. As companies continue to optimize their SaaS license management, SaaS providers offer many variations of the standard license types mentioned above. Examples of these variations include: In the event of bankruptcy, a seller may cease to fulfill its contractual obligations, including ongoing SaaS services. It is possible for a court to force a supplier to continue to provide contractual services, but only if it falls under an intellectual property license. Indeed, Section 365(n) of the Bankruptcy Act protects the customer`s right to continue to use “licensed intellectual property”. It does not protect contractually agreed services. SaaS agreements are an integral part of any software-as-a-service business. Be sure to work with lawyers who know how these contracts work when you create your contracts. SaaS agreements replace on-premises software licenses in the IT industry.

Indeed, keeping software applications in the cloud can provide the following: “What is the difference between an EULA (an end user license agreement) and a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) agreement?” A license grants limited use rights. Software licenses cannot be exclusive or exclusive. You may also be limited: to be an experienced negotiator and an expert in drafting these types of contracts, you need to understand the legal issues that are often encountered in SaaS agreements and licenses. Two main points are as follows: The SaaS agreement also establishes three types of users: If you offer a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) product, you need to develop a SaaS agreement or SaaS contract that allows users to know how to interact with your service and how not. These types of agreements are becoming more common, replacing traditional software licenses for computer applications. Migrating applications to the cloud offers operational and financial benefits. However, certain terms and conditions apply to all cloud service contracts. This includes: The problem is that in order to negotiate a good SaaS deal, the contract writer needs to understand the legal nuances between the two. Two important issues fall within the scope of the permitted use and the nature of the contract. Sometimes SaaS services are called licenses. However, this does not mean that the customer has a license under intellectual property rights.

I agree with you that licenses should not be granted in SaaS agreements, which are actually service contracts. However, there seems to be a trend in US SaaS agreements to grant a “license”, even in a service-only scenario. There is a very limited analysis on this point, apart from the fact that licensing can protect the service provider`s ability to make claims of intellectual property infringement even in the event of unauthorized access or use. Have you had more detailed discussions on this point with other people practicing in the area? I would appreciate any further analysis you may have. Thank you very much. Of course, your offering can include both SaaS and on-premise software. A SaaS provider can deploy its core offering online, but it can also provide an application for customers` computers – something that helps those machines communicate with the online service. .

Legal Term Full and Final Settlement

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Full and final settlement of the total outstanding contributions of the three banks, namely SBI, BOI and SBICI, for an amount of 1,000 lakes, which is divided proportionally by the banks among themselves according to the value of the fees held by each bank. A friend or relative may be able to give you the money and make the payment. This helps your agreement to be more legally binding if the creditor accepts money from a third party. A full and final settlement email/letter/agreement is a legally binding agreement between two parties to resolve a dispute. One party usually pays the other party a settlement payment so that the other party waives its claims in court. The language can be as simple as: Suppose you get injured in a car accident. First, you go through the claims process with auto insurance. After completing the billing process, you will discover new injuries that were not originally treated or a need for additional medical care for existing injuries. You may be wondering if the settlement agreement can be reopened by the insurance company or if you can sue for the additional damages. If a friend or relative agrees to and pays the settlement for you with their own money, this is usually not considered a preferred payment The parties are usually required to keep the terms of the contract confidential, such as. B the amount of the settlement and the circumstances of the dispute.

It is also common to include clauses that prohibit either party from making derogatory comments about the other. If you opt for a bankruptcy solution, e.B. a Debt Relief Order (DRO), Individual Voluntary Agreement (IVA) or insolvency, any previous payments you have made to creditors will be taken into account. If you have only made full and final payments to some of your creditors, it can be argued that this is a preferential payment and that you have not treated your debts fairly. You need to be careful what you do next, unless all your creditors accept a full and final settlement offer. Ask yourself if other debt solutions are better before making a payment. In addition to resolving disputes in civil litigation, settlement agreements are often used in the employment context to resolve employee claims against employers. An employee or employee may agree to waive or not pursue an action against an employer in a court or labour court for severance pay. If the partial payment is received by cheque with a note offering it “in full and final settlement” and you want to look for the balance of the debt, do not transfer the cheque immediately, as this may be equivalent to accepting a payment to settle the total debt.

The best course of action is to write to the debtor to inform them that: The agreement to waive all actual and potential (usually customary) legal claims should be set out in a written settlement agreement tailored to specific employees and their personal circumstances. They must include a waiver of certain claims that the employee has or may have in the future. There are certain legal requirements that a settlement contract for employment must meet in order to be valid. Therefore, caution should be exercised when drafting such an agreement and consult your local labour lawyer if necessary. The factors relevant to the factual context were that Mr. Grano had not been involved in the settlement negotiations, even though he had value for the allegations he had made. If Mr Siddiqi had been able to cancel the assigned claims, he would have had a stroke of luck after actually settling two claims at the price of one in November 2010. In two recent decisions,1 the Court emphasized its willingness to examine the substantive circumstances behind the “complete and final” wording of a settlement agreement, with each case leading to a different outcome.

In Point West, the argument that Mivan would have accepted nothing less than its full application if it had considered that it would remain open to defect claims in the future is valid. However, there was no specific or clear language to regulate such a claim. Similarly, the first time, Point West preferred what at first glance seemed like a simple claim against its tenant rather than a more difficult claim against its contractor. If the partial payment was received by bank transfer, but there is prior notice from the debtor that it will be paid “in full and final settlement”, there is little you can do to avoid receiving it. A suggested course of action if you want to target the rest of the debt is to write to the debtor to inform them: while it was accepted that the general wording used in the settlement agreement “showed a clear intention of the parties to seize all possible claims. whether or not any of them were aware of it” and that the words “had been chosen to ensure that Mr. Siddiqi would never have to fear a new allegation by Mr. Siddiqi. Kazeminy with regard to the technology in question”, it was found that the parties had never turned to the rights of third parties. like Mr Grano and could not have intended their agreement to cover these rights of third parties.

The full and final settlement of the child`s maintenance claim may be agreed if it is in the best interests of the child. If you are a creditor and a debtor only offers you partial payment of the money owed, you should be careful when accepting it, especially if the amount is offered “in full and final settlement”. Competing creditorsA buffer to cover expenses is retained, but any excess cash is distributed once it is received in connection with the employee claims cascade Distribution of employee claims: ï§ Agreement signed with Numsa, Solidarity and non-unionized employeesï§ Full and final settlement (with the exception of the right to assert alleged claims relating to short periods)ï§ Date of effective termination of 29 February 2016ï§ Minimum in accordance with the Industrial Relations Act, i.e. . . . .

Leasehold Tenancy Agreement

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The mere fact of leaving property on the premises does not constitute possession and, therefore, no rental link of suffering can be established. Z.B. Nathan Lane Assocs. v. Merchants Wholesale, 698 N.W.2d 136 (Iowa, 2005); Brown v. Music, Inc., 359 p.2d 295 (Alaska 1961). If you and the other party rely on an oral agreement, you may remember the original details of the agreement differently and not accept each of your rights and obligations. In the United States, there are food cooperatives that offer tenants a place to grow their own produce. Renting in rural areas is also a common practice. In a rural lease, a person buys a large amount of land and the rural community uses it as a source of farm income. A hereditary building right is the property of a temporary right to own land or property in which a tenant or tenant holds rights to real estate through any form of landlord or landlord property. Although a tenant owns rights to real estate, a hereditary building right is generally considered personal property.

If you are buying an apartment, this guide should help you understand the lease you are buying and help you avoid many of the problems that tenants pose to us. In some jurisdictions, the tenant has the right to use the premises after the end of a lease, unless he adheres to a formal procedure of expropriation of the tenant of the property. For example, a commercial tenant in England and Wales has the right to continue his or her disappearance after the end of his or her lease under the provisions of sections 24 to 28 of the Landlords and Tenants Act 1954 (unless these provisions were formally excluded by agreement prior to the conclusion of the lease). At the end of their lease, all they have to do is continue to pay the rent at the previous level and comply with all other relevant agreements. B for example to keep the building in good condition. They can only be released if the landlord makes a formal request to terminate the tenancy and successfully objects to the granting of the new lease to which the tenant is automatically entitled. Again, this can only be done in prescribed circumstances, for example, by the desire of the owner to occupy the premises himself or to demolish and renovate the building. If the existing lease reaches its expiry date, the lease is deemed to have ended. If the tenant does not leave the premises, he is considered to be rented from month to month under the Property Law Act 2007.

So, if the tenant wants to stay in the property, both parties must sign a new lease. The landlord has the option to extend the terms of the old lease or he is free to change the rental conditions and amounts at his own discretion. A periodic tenancy, also known as a year-to-year, month-to-month or week-to-week tenancy, is an estate that exists for a period of time determined by the length of the rent payment. An oral lease for a multi-year tenancy that violates the Fraud Act (by committing to a lease of more than one year – depending on the jurisdiction – without being written) can effectively establish a periodic tenancy, the term being interpreted according to the laws of the jurisdiction in which the rented premises are located. In many jurisdictions, the “standard tenancy”, in which the parties have not expressly established another agreement and in which, according to local or commercial practices, none is presumed, is the monthly rental. If you are considering buying a leasehold property, especially under a pension plan, you should ask your lawyer or sponsor about the impact of the terms of the lease that allow you to charge an event fee or exit fee. An all-you-can-eat tenancy ends by operation of law if: An all-you-can-eat rental or an all-time reduction is a hereditary building right, so the landlord or tenant can terminate the tenancy at any time with reasonable notice. This usually happens in the absence of a lease or when the rental is not to be considered. In modern common law, a tenancy can occur at will in the following circumstances: If stability is your top priority, a lease may be the right option. Many landlords prefer leases because they are structured for stable, long-term occupancy. Placing a tenant in a property for at least a year can provide a more predictable rental income stream and reduce the cost of sales.

That is, once a lease is signed, the rental fees are set in stone until the end of the contract. In an emerging region where property values are constantly rising, 12 months of fixed rental costs could mean you`re missing out on significant additional revenue from market increases. .

Lease Agreement for Ct

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Step 4 – The “Rental” section requires multiple numbers. The first one that came in is the total amount the landlord should receive at the end of the lease (that is, if it is a one-year lease, multiply the monthly rent by 12 and enter it). Then enter the monthly payment amount. Then enter the first month in which the rent is to be paid and the last month/year in which it is due. Finally, enter the address to which the rent is to be delivered and the name to which the rental cheque is to be due. In addition, your lease must meet Connecticut`s specific requirements. Monthly Lease – Known as “unlimited tenancy” with no end date in the contract, it is terminated by a notice period through a lease termination letter. Sublease – A contract that can be executed if a current resident wants to lease the property to another person (provided the primary owner has given permission). Although rent is due by law on the date specified in the lease, Connecticut offers a grace period of nine (9) days (section 47a-15a). If the lease of a rental property applies from week to week, the tenant has a grace period of four (4) days. Termination Letter – To be used when the landlord or tenant decides to terminate their lease.

Step 1 – The first paragraph of the lease requires a definition of the parties involved. Enter the landlord`s full name, the landlord`s full address, the tenant`s full name, the tenant`s current address, and the tenant`s phone number (in that order). The Connecticut lease establishes the basis for a written agreement on how the lease between a lessor and a tenant will proceed. The document can be adapted to the needs of each party by providing certain provisions such as the cost of rent, the duration of occupancy and the general conditions in accordance with state regulations. (Landlords/tenants should be aware that it is usually common for the tenant to complete an application before being accepted.) Federal law requires all states to include specific requirements and bases in all leases and leases. These requirements include: Return (§ 47a-21 (d) (2)) – Thirty (30) days after termination of the lease or fifteen (15) days after receipt of notification of the tenant`s new address, whichever is later. Landlords and tenants often use Connecticut leases as a way to define their relationship with each other. As a result of this agreement between you, you and the other will be signatories.

Read more If a rental property is located in a community of common interest (for example. B a rent where the tenant pays a fee for amenities), this must be disclosed in the lease. Rental agreement at the property – For tenants who wish to have the opportunity to buy the property for the duration of the lease. The Connecticut Standard Residential Lease is used to enter into an agreement between a landlord and a tenant in which the tenant rents a residential property in exchange for a monthly rent. The lease sets out the responsibilities of each party during the term of the contract and the legal consequences for non-compliance with the prescribed conditions. Other essential details included in the agreement include the deposit amount, renewal options, pets, vehicles and sublease. The following lease model describes a contract between “owner” Kevin Lee and “tenant” Olivia Graham. She agrees to rent a duplex in Colombia for $1,000 per month for a fixed term that begins on June 1, 2017 and ends on August 9, 2017. The tenant undertakes to cover all costs and ancillary services for the premises. This is a good example of the provisions that a simple lease could contain and what it should look like in its final form. Lead paint – Federal law requires owners in each state to determine if their property was built in 1978.

If this is the case, this form must be attached to each rental and purchase agreement to inform individuals of this danger on the property. The Connecticut sublease agreement gives a tenant (the subtenant) the right to lease some or all of their leased space to another subtenant (the subtenant). It is possible that the landlord has included a provision in the main lease that expressly prohibits this type of agreement, so it is advisable to review the original lease and obtain permission from the landlord before taking a second tenant. It is usually the main tenant who assumes full responsibility for the. Connecticut leases are documents used to lease commercial and residential space. The forms, once signed by all parties, provide a binding contract that can be invoked in court if necessary. The terms of a standard lease include provisions that list the rental costs, the amount of the down payment, the reasons for the termination, and the extension period. You will also find below forms that warn against termination and a request for review of potential tenants. Connecticut imposes specific and distinct requirements on landlords and tenants when executing a lease. For example, Connecticut law provides the following: As expected, your agreement also includes terms about smoking, guests, late payments, pets, and early termination. When you enter into your lease, you can also provide details about maintenance procedures, furniture, and insurance requirements.

You can also use the Document tool to implement other customizations. Step 3 – In the “Duration” section, enter the start date of the lease and the end date. Landlords and tenants often use Connecticut leases as a way to define their relationship with each other. Because of this agreement between you, you and the other signatory are more likely to have the same expectations. When you`re done, you can tap or click Create Document to view the connecticut rental agreement sample and see the information you need to create your lease. This Connecticut lease is suitable for renting residential properties and can be used by owners in Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, and any other city in the state of incorporation. The tenant must pay the rent on the date mutually agreed by the parties. In the absence of such an agreement, payment will be made at the beginning of each month if the rental period is longer than one (1) month. In the case of shorter terms, the rent must be paid at the beginning of the term (§ 47a-3a). Lease agreement with call option (call option) – period granted to the tenant to purchase the property at an amount specified in the contract.

If the option is not used by the tenant, the form will work like a standard lease. In order for future legal notices and claims sent by the tenant to be properly delivered to the landlord, the name and address of the landlord or person authorized to act on behalf of the landlord must be disclosed in advance (usually in the lease). .

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